Big Brother: lots of time on Dreambox - aiming to finish 6th grade before the end of our subscription. Also Hands on Equations (ready to start book 3) and Life of Fred Kidneys.
Writing: poetry - using our senses, and focussing on simplicity, as few words as possible. Alliteration at play. Completion of our big project - retelling a creation myth:
Spelling: last few lessons of All About Spelling 5. I'm increasingly uncertain if we'll do 7.
Handwriting: the copywork above, and continuing Getty-Dubay Italic E.
Music: HEAPS of practice to master Arabesque. It's nearly there now.
Lots of reading, chess, questions. A library visit to research bacteria and antibiotics was interesting.
Outside classes for recorder, choir, mixed martial arts, Penguins, drama and sports continue.. phew!
Little Sister: Is really getting into learning new things at the moment. She's working her way through Mercy Watson Fights Crime and is doing a great job on the tricky language. She's at the point now where she just needs to build her stamina and self belief and her reading will really take off.
She's also been enjoying her miquon
And lots of story writing
This one says: One day Mum and Big Brother and Little Sister played checkers. I had pink. Her letter / number formation is getting pretty good (and much more independent now.
She also decided she needed a spelling list of her own, so I gave her the Essential Spelling List 1: a, I, and, it, in, my, the, to, was, we. She got six right first try, so just four to learn:
The beginnings of the playground model:
And through it all our faithful friend keeps us company...