Monday, November 25, 2013

Catching Up: September

Big Brother has been demonstrating why we call him "Monkey Boy"

A quiet month... mosaic making

Little Sister discovered the joy of Roald Dahl at last!
And we were so lucky to get a real piano for Big Brother to practice for his upcoming music exam on.  Here's one of his pieces... not ready yet, but getting there.

The lego Big Brother bought with some of his prize money from the Amazing Place competition... The Burrow (with Little Sister Photo Bomb)

The usual school stuff, and with not too many disruptions this term, so we're making good progress. 

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Catching up... a month at a time: August

August saw Penguin competitions - where Big Brother and his amazing partner won four separate events, were second or third in every thing else and won overall penguins team!

C and I woke up one morning to find this in our bathroom!
One wall of the shower had exploded while we were asleep... and neither of us heard a thing!  A quick call to the company we purchased it from and a replacement wall was ready for us to slip in.  

Little Sister made some more art, this time based on some photos she took at kindy.  

 And she wrote some stories... here's one

Big Brother played recorder in the CSM Showcase, and he also sang with the KidSong Choir.  Here's a sample of his recorder playing, which is coming along very nicely :-)

Big Brother joined a team of three other homeschoolers to form a chess team to play in the interschools chess tournament.  The team finished a creditable 4th equal overall.

The ASB Math Challenge took up two days of intense work for Big Brother, and he finished 32nd in the country (8th for the region). 

Big Brother and Little Sister also attended a birthday party at Clip and Climb... lots of fun was had, and the term "rats up a drain pipe" would be accurate.