Little Sister is growing up... and she doesn't like to take no for an answer.
Now that she's two we thought it was time to put her name down at kindy. I went and visited the two local ones - they're equidistant so based the decision purely on overall 'feel'. In the end the decision was easy - one provided a 'business only' attitude, wasn't really interested in showing us around or knowing us at all, and the interactions I saw with the children were limited at best and very much 'this is my job' in attitude the other was welcoming, both to us and to the other children - they clearly knew the children well the interaction was of a much higher quality. They were also happy for us to visit 'whenever' and seemed genuinely interested in us as a family... what a difference! So she's enrolled and will be able to start some time around her third birthday, and we can all pop along for visits whenever we feel like it.
Big Brother is enjoying his one afternoon a week at school for now. I'm still not convinced that we need to be traipsing all the way over to this school, so I've arranged to meet with one of the local schools to discuss options too... and may pop down to the other one too. Now that we have the paperwork from Rose I don't sound quite so much like one of 'those' mothers. Still looking for the right answer to all this though... more to come I'm sure!
Last word to Little Sister tonight...
Your pantry is very much like ours, including the child in it! We've found our now 6yr old close to the top shelf before now, which is a touch scary.