I must confess that my motivation for household tasks has been a little below zero lately, so some things have got a little out of hand. I'm slowly climbing back into the task though... I think the recent sunshine has helped, and the return to a VLC diet has made a huge difference too.
So far I've tackled the garage, which has been a dumping ground for all the things that don't have homes while we renovate. There's still a fair bit of homeless stuff stored in there waiting for homes when the house is finished, selling and dropping off at a donation bin otherwise, but I can now get more than 1m inside the door. I cleared off the bench and kitchen yesterday which had reached exceedingly embarrassing proportions of mess. I've culled Little sister's clothes and shoes (not finished) and today was the pantry - again, embarrassing proportions. Before and after shots. There was an awful lot of expired food in there :-( On the plus side, I've managed to move all of my flours / baking supplies into the pantry too... yay! No, I don't know why we have so many glasses... I'm hoping natural attrition will take care of that, but it seems we're too careful with them, lol!
Still to do: laundry, dumping spaces in the dining room (x2), and my clothes and the rest of the kitchen cupboards could do with attention too.
The school supplies, games / toys and a final cull of kid stuff, art / craft stuff and books will have to wait until renos are done so I can put things where they belong / work out what we need once we have our spaces organised. Phew!
Count down to completion of the renovations... Gib board almost finished and plastering due to start on Tuesday <happy dance>
I recently sorted our pantry too which was much worse than yours! Now I can find things.