Saturday, May 25, 2013

Weeks 2&3, Term 2 2013 (general timetable)

Sometimes people wonder what we do all day.  Here's a general overview of our weeks

LS: Kindy
BB: In the car Life of Fred, Music Theory, History or topic related reading
BB: German (outside lesson)
BB: Creative Writing (outside lesson)
BB: At home  typing, duolingo, memory work
LS: at home reading, memory work
BB&LS: Latin
LS: Piano (outside lesson)

LS: Kindy
BB: at home Maths, Typing, Handwriting, Topic Book, DuoLingo, Language Arts (something from: reading comp / spelling / grammar / writing)
BB: drawing or writing, finishing off from the morning,  music theory, memory work
LS: reading
BB&LS: atelier art or similar
BB: Martial Arts and Penguins (outside lessons)

BB: at home Maths, Typing, Handwriting, Topic Book, DuoLingo, Language Arts (something from: reading comp / spelling / grammar / writing)
LS: at home reading, maths (miquon), handwriting, writing, spelling (essential list 1/2), stile tray / hot dots cards or similar games / starfall / music theory
BB: homeschool sports (outside lesson)
LS: independent reading time / tablet time / play time
BB: Chess Club (outside lesson)

LS: kindy
BB: at home Maths, Typing, Handwriting, Topic Book, DuoLingo, Language Arts (something from: reading comp / spelling / grammar / writing)
LS: reciprocal playdate - one week here, one week at her friend's house.  
BB (and me): Mark Kistler's "Draw Squad", recorder practice, memory work, music theory

BB: Piano Lesson (outside lesson)
BB & LS: Often a playdate or outing, project day, catch up day, computer work, general household jobs and things like that :-) Sometimes an extra Latin session.  Memory work / performance
BB: gymnastics

BB: choir, music theory and recorder lesson.

Every day:
independent reading time, read aloud (currently Alice in Wonderland), music practice (BB&LS), martial arts practice (BB), household jobs, lots of playing, trampolining, bike riding, etc.

Some days: computer school work (independent, choice from links on the google sites page).  One of sessions such as museum classes, science alive and other opportunities.

This term memory work for BB is preparing for the Speech and Drama competitions in July, LS is also learning some poems.

That's what it's meant to look like, anyway... the last two weeks have seen me away for four days so things have been a little less than organised!

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